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Isleño Finding Guides


The following is a set of indexes and guides allowing researchers to find more information on their Isleño ancestors.


Isleño Patriots Approved By the Sons of the American Revolution and/or the Daughters of the American Revolution


  • Acosta, Antonio - SAR - P-149564 | DAR - A208736

  • Alleman, Juan de - SARDAR - A209313

  • Alvarado, Juan - DAR - A214151

  • Aguilard, Antonio - DAR - A000855

  • Barrosso, Hilarion de la Paz - DAR - A209313

  • Benites, Juan - SAR - P-113096 | DAR - 

  • Bethancourt, Luis - SAR - P-114078 | DAR - A009734

  • Diaz, Bartolome - DAR - A212592

  • Dominguez, Antonio (Vicente) - SAR - P-149097 | DAR - A213279

  • Dominguez, Domingo Antonio - SAR - P-334538 | DAR - A132796

  • Escagne, Domingo Antonio (Ascano) - DAR - A214153

  • Falcon, Cristobal - SAR - P-112931 | DAR - A212347

  • Falcon, Gaspar - SAR - P-120338 | DAR - A209398

  • Gonzalez Cabo, Jose - SAR - P-335015 | DAR - A208197

  • Gonzalez Carbo, Juan Francisco Gonzales - SAR - P-128385 | DAR - A211782

  • Hernandez, Sebastien - SAR ACN87194

  • Mendoza, Juan Antonio de - SAR - P-330954 | DAR - A077390

  • Morales, Josef - SAR - P-334998

  • Nunez, Manuel Felix - SAR - P-257429

  • Perez, Antonio - DAR - A088690

  • Plasencia, Juan de - SAR - P-145754

  • Plasencia, Gaspar de - DAR - A214150

  • Sardina, Vicente (Bizente)  - SAR - P-280959

  • Silva, Antonio - DAR - A208886

  • Torres, Juan - SAR - P-335057

  • Truxillo, Domingo - SAR - P-300711 | DAR - A209534

  • Villanueva Y Barroso, Thomas - SAR - P-310856

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